Every Parent has had big questions since the birth of a child. Will our child emerge as a successful human? Will our investment of energy, time, and money in our child will help? What we can do so our child stays healthy and safe when at school? How our child will be engaged in learning, supported whenever needed, and challenged to do wonders? We all want our kids to have the best of everything? Don’t we want them to be winners? To be the next Einstein or Picasso? We only want for them to get ahead in life and won’t settle for anything less, it’s the universal truth. So why settle for conventional teaching methods and outdated content acquisition practices? At thinking school, we have answers to your questions and around 10,000 schools transformed as TSI worldwide. This model is perhaps new for Pakistan but not for the world. The top-lined schools in the world transformed to Thinking School and their success stories are a great inspiration for the people who look at high-quality schooling models.
The evolution of education over the past 100 years from a static view of intelligence and brain development, rote learning, and the focus on the “banking” system of imparting knowledge toward the dynamic facilitation and mediation of thinking across whole schools has been slow. In the mid-1950s and even earlier, pioneers in the fields of psychology and education offered a vision of schools based on principles of collaborative classrooms and a vision of explicitly developing the minds of every learner. With the rapid shift in global travel, communication, and new technologies in this new century—and the new brain research showing the dynamic plasticity of human development—the vision of Thinking Schools International matches the needs of our time, and of the future of the children around the world. Thinking schools international around the world have already set remarkable examples. (United States: Thinking Schools International LLC. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.thinkingschoolsinternational.com/about).
We all want our kids to have the best possible education. To go out into this world as a thoughtful problem solver and be remembered for centuries as one of the greats. And here is where The Thinking School comes in, a top independent day school for your kids. We equip our students with the best education to broaden their minds and unleash their full potential. We aim to produce the future thinkers and entrepreneurs of tomorrow.
We believe in the organic model of Education and The Thinking School celebrates the individual and creative spirit of each individual child. Our schooling model is aligned with the top four standards i.e OECD Learner Compass 2030, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, ASCD Whole Child Tenets, and The Thinking School International, thus bringing a superior quality of curriculum aligned with our national curriculum and cultural demands. The world is evolving and our children need to be creative thinkers with unbounded curiosity and a thirst for innovation rather than simply job seekers. At the Thinking School, we teach them how to possess their own individual thinking style. We don’t confine ourselves to a set of content without making sense of the learned content and create the right environment for a growth mindset to stay as creative and inquisitive as a child is before going to school.
● Give an academic education to enable each student to make the majority of her intellect and abilities
● Nurture a team of professional teachers who inspire their students
● Make them feel safe physically and emotionally while being with us
● Enable all students to want greatness and realize that it is attainable
● Guarantee that each individual from the School feels valued, supported and encouraged
● Cultivate a learning network based on positive relationships between staff and students and between students themselves
● Encourage students to embrace new challenges
● Understand that societies grow and nourish when they accept diversity and respect the people around
● Realise that knowledge without understanding is not acceptable in the future world.
● Help them pursuing their dreams through our powerful artificial embedded student and teacher support systems
● Commit that our every student gets a certified, professional, dynamic and progressiv teacher as facilitator in the journey of learning