The Montessori classroom is a prepared learning environment allowing children to direct their own learning enables them to learn in an enjoyable way and develop an enthusiasm for learning, along with self-discipline, independence and positive self-esteem.
For more than a century, Montessori has been thriving around the globe, and contemporary research validates the effectiveness of the Montessori Method.
Today, accredited Montessori schools around the world, staffed with Montessori-certified educators called ‘guides’, continue Dr. Montessori’s work. They strive to support the whole child, helping children at all stages of development become capable, independent, collaborative learners. Recent scientific studies have proven that children’s learning and mental development begins immediately after birth, and continues for the rest of their lives, but not at the same intensity that is demonstrated in the preschool years. With this in mind, infants, toddlers and preschoolers need positive early learning experiences that will lay the foundations for their intellectual, social and emotional development, and later school success.
Several key elements of the approach meet the educational goals today’s parents have for their children, including growing into capable people who will be have a strong sense of self, the ability to connect with others, and the potential to be productive throughout their lives.