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Recruitment Procedure

There are clear procedures for the induction of new staff. All teachers new to the school take part in a programme that is designed to help them to understand the way in which the school promotes and uses a range of thinking tools. They receive professional development on the purpose and application of each tool, and have access to a range of support to discuss the consistent and accurate application of the tools. Staff also value the fact that the agreed thinking tools and strategies are modeled and used in professional development meetings and to support other professional learning, wider decision-making and development planning across the school. As part of the drive to becoming a Thinking School, clear targets for development are identified and included as objectives in the Performance Management process. The Drive Team meets at least once per half term to monitor, review, reflect on feedback from staff and pupils and plan future developments.

Current Job Openings

Special Education Needs Teacher
All Grades | Graduate |2 years plus | Good Salary
Pak Studies Teacher
O/A Levels | Graduate | 2 years plus | Good Salary
Islamiyat Teacher
O/A Levels | Graduate | 2 years plus | Good Salary
Biology Teacher
O/A Levels | Graduate | 2 years plus | Good Salary
Physics Teacher
O/A Levels | Graduate | 2 years plus | Good Salary
Urdu Teacher
O/A Levels | Graduate | 2 years plus | Good Salary
Chemistry Teacher
O/A Levels | Graduate | 2 years plus | Good Salary
Computer Science Teacher
O/A Levels | Graduate | 2 years plus | Good Salary
Art Teacher
O/A Levels | Graduate | 2 years plus | Good Salary
Maths/ Additional Maths Teacher
O/A Levels | Graduate | 2 years plus | Good Salary